About the Del Ray Business Association
Located in the Northern section of Alexandria, the Del Ray Business Association (DRBA) is comprised of thriving small businesses in a cottage neighborhood, complete with Mount Vernon Avenue as the “Main Street.” For over thirty years the DRBA has produced signature events completely funded by business sponsors and energetic volunteers.
How Can We Help You Today
Business Member
Business Member
For-profit companies including commercial businesses; commercial property owners; professional offices, and those who own, operate or manage businesses in the City of Alexandria. This includes online businesses housed in City of Alexandria. This membership requires submission of a business license.
Non-profit Member
Friends of the DRBA
Friends of the DRBA
Individuals living in the City of Alexandria who do not meet the qualifications of membership for businesses or nonprofits. Friends may run for one Board seat. Membership is $25. Membership benefits include newsletter, opportunities to attend and present at monthly membership meetings and volunteering in diverse events in the community. Friends are not eligible to run for the Board of Directors
Membership is subject to approval by the Del Ray Business Association Board of Directors.
Membership Benefits
Engage in DRBA marketing opportunities on website, through social media and promotional opportunities
Networking opportunities with community leaders, City officials, business owners and Del Ray neighbors
Access to exclusive advertising discounts with local media
Learn more about the community during monthly membership luncheons
Receive weekly member-only newsletter focused on events, business news, advice and opportunities
Participate in diverse events throughout the year that support the community and your business
Advocate for your business through the DRBA government relations committee and with local officials
First choice of sponsorships opportunities for DRBA events
Participate in specific-industry groups such as health and wellness; restaurants and retail
Mission Statement
The Del Ray Business Association is an organization of business owners and professionals that strive for growth, visibility, and success of our members. We serve as an advocate, representative, and educator for businesses within the community of Del Ray in Alexandria, Virginia.